Chakras are often talked about on holistic therapy training as it is an ancient spiritual belief system, more recently references to chakras have started coming into yoga classes, mainstream media and meditation sessions. The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas.
What is a chakra and what does it do?
The word “chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disk,” but references a spiritual energy centre within the human body mainly in the torso. There are seven but most referenced are the third eye, crown and solar plexus. Lots of energy work is based around the seven chakras and brining them into balance.
Each of the seven chakras correspond to specific organs as well as physical, emotional, psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being and influence all areas of your life. If you visualise them as swirling balls of energy sometimes, they can be going to quickly or too slowly and this can lead to imbalance and then problems within the body. Interestingly each of the 7 chakras is shown in diagrams on the body in the very same place many of our endocrine organs are.

The Root Chakra [Muladhara] is often represented by the colour red and is known as the foundational chakra that is at the base of the spine. If your Root Chakra is balanced you feel secure, calm and safe. If it is out of balance, however, you could feel anxious, panicked, lost or without identity of purpose.
The Sacral Chakra [Svadhishthana] is usually represented by the colour orange and is located above the root chakra but below the belly button. It is said to be responsible for emotions and creativity as well as sexuality.
The Solar Plexus Chakra [Manipura] is represented by the colour yellow and is located above the belly button but below the ribs. This chakra is the centre for personal power and commitment. When this chakra is in order you will have strength for inner balance and inspiration however when it is not in balance you might manifest negative emotions.
The Heart Chakra [Anahata] can be represented by the colour pink or green and is found at the centre of the chest. The heart chakra is the centre for love and a healthy and balanced one will fill your life with kindness, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness and love, removing all of your fears, worries and doubts.
The Throat Chakra [Vishuddha] is represented by the colour blue and is located at the base of the neck, when the Throat Chakra is balanced you will be able to speak with kindness, love and truth. If you find yourself unable to express emotions, shying away from speaking the truth or simply struggling for words it could be out of balance.
The Third Eye Chakra [Ajna] is represented by the colour indigo and is located between the eyes. This chakra is responsible for insight and intuition so if your third eye is blocked then you might be struggling to find a broader purpose to your life, struggle with depression and feel that all your actions are insignificant.
The Crown Chakra [Sahasrara] is the final and highest chakra which can be represented by purple/violet or a golden or white colour. The crown chakra, located just above your head determines your spiritual connectivity. It relates to information, understanding, acceptance, bliss and knowledge of being one with the universe.
There are many guided meditations available that are aimed at balancing chakras, reiki and crystal healers also work with chakras. One of my current favourites is Joe Dispenza – The Blessing of the Energy Centres.