An oil I have recently added to my kit is Fragonia a beautiful oxide rich essential oil from the leaves and twigs of the Agonis fragrans shrub, native to Western Australia. Many of the oxide rich oils are very physical and very strong but Fragonia is a more subtle scent that brings a feeling of comfort.
It is fairly new to the market as far as oils go as it has only been available within the last 20 years.
Interestingly the the oil is produced by a single producer so all the oil is from one source and you will often see it written or labelled as Fragonia® due to this. Agonis fragrans is the primary species used for essential oil production. There are no sub-species or varieties of Fragonia commonly available in the market. This uniformity ensures consistency in the properties and therapeutic benefits of Fragonia oil.
Fragonia essential oil is celebrated for its harmonious balance of chemical constituents. It is a versatile and gentle oil suitable for various therapeutic applications, with its high 1,8 cineole content this a great oil to support the respiratory system and conditions such as asthma, coughs & colds and bronchitis.
The linalool content within this essential oil make it wonderful for calming a busy mind and promoting sleep and relaxation. Fragonia’s calming aroma can help reduce everyday stresses and emotional imbalance. Diffusing it in your living space can create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. It is ideal for meditation or unwinding after a long day.

Fragonia oil allows us to see with new eyes, experience profound insight, change our perspective and attitude or receive a vision. Fragonia helps us master the third eye chakra. It helps us to keep our mind focused on related issues, including the awareness of the benefits to be gained from transcending the purely physical world and opening ourselves up to intuitive sight and wisdom: the ability to learn from experience and emotional intelligence
There has also been some case studies done demonstrating a relief in muscular and joint pain symptoms when fragonia was used topically within blends. The energetic qualities of the oil are cooling. It is primarily indicated for conditions of a hot and inflammatory nature. According to Myers-Briggs personality types, the fragonia personality is likely to be an INFP. INFPs are gentle, calm, easy going and affirming. Who would not want to be Fragonia?
Fragonia – an overview, The Paperbark Co, 2008.
Pénoël D. Fragonia – the latest promising aromatic gift from Australia. Aromatherapy Today, 2006; 36:12-18.
Wallwork K. Fragonia essential oil. Aromatherapy Today, 2006; 36:4-7.
Zeck R. The blossoming heart – aromatherapy for healing and transformation. Aroma Tours, East Ivanhoe, 2004