There is something nostalgic about pine essential oil during the festive season, the scent reminds me of grandparents who always had real trees decorated with those characteristic eighties and nineties decorations. Particularly for those in the northern hemisphere as Pines and Spruces grow abundantly in northern Europe and Russia.
The essential oil widely available on the market is known as scotch pine from Europe although sometimes other smaller types are available such as strobus or pinus nigra. Currently some of these are had to get hold of with the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.
The oil is a great one to use during Autumn as the tree oils are great for the respiratory system, anti-viral and anti-microbial. There is a reason that many cleaning products on the market are pine scented, traditionally we used them to cleanse our homes and atmosphere. Pine needle oil is already used in pharmaceutical preparations for cough and cold medicines, vapourising fluids and nasal decongestants and analgesic ointments. On an energetic level pine is incredibly clearing to a space.

Pinus Sylvestris oil has also been used in muscle rub preparations as it can help relieve the pain of aching or overused muscles and also rheumatism which has been attributed to it’s stimulating effect on the circulatory system due to its high content of monoterpenes.
On an emotional level it has been regarded as a tonic to the nervous system for quite some time with Mojay stating that pine is as effective as rosemary and thyme for combating fatigue and nerve exhaustion. I personally find that it really helps clear through the fog of an overwhelmed mind.
Pine essential oil is a great one to diffuse in early Autumn for cleansing the air, being anti-viral and anti-microbial as well as it’s pleasant scent.
Leung A, Foster S. Encyclopaedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs and cosmetics. 2nd edn, John Wiley and Sons Inc, USA, 1996.
Mojay G. Aromatherapy for healing the spirit. Hodder and Stoughton, UK, 1996.