Stress, anxiety and other mental states such as feelings of being overwhelmed, low depressed moods and more is something that everyone can recognise and may well have experienced at one time or another.
According to a new World Health Organization study not only are depression rates significantly higher in affluent nations but cases of major depression are on the rise throughout the world.
Stress is known to be one of the main triggers of depression, and in nations such as the UK a still growing number of men and women succumb to the pressures that seem embedded in our value system and social structure. It’s not just depression that stress can lead too, it has been noted to be a key factor in many illnesses and if not treated can physically manifest itself into other symptoms such as headaches, muscular tension and digestive issues.

We do need some stress in our lives. Stress occurs as a coping mechanism for our brains and bodies. It is what helps us manage our day to day demands. The fight-or-flight response is also known as the acute stress response. It is essentially, the response prepares the body to either fight or flee the threat.
During this reaction, certain hormones like adrenalin and cortisol are released which have a huge impact on the body as a whole. This hormone change is responsible for sudden changes such as speeding the heart rate, slowed digestion, the diversion of blood flow to major muscle groups, and changing various other autonomic nervous functions to give the body a burst of energy and strength.
Our systems are designed to return to normal function via the relaxation response, but in our times of chronic stress, this often doesn’t happen enough, causing damage to the body because of the effect prolonged amounts of these hormones have on all our bodily systems. Luckily many essential oils can help with calming the central nervous system and aid the body back into the parasympathetic system especially those with high linalool content.
It is also so important to look at our lifestyle and make small changes to decrease stress and improve overall health. Changing careers or giving up financial burdens can be big adjustments but small ones such as a short daily meditation, regular treatments or incorporating some exercise can be just as effective.