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What is Warm Bamboo Massage?


Warm bamboo massage is now on offer at Aroma Heart and it is a perfect winter treatment as the bamboo sticks that are used are warmed so in combination with an essential oil blend create a relaxing and luxurious treatment. If you have had hot stone massage this is similar but, in my opinion, better!

Bamboo has been used for many years by the Chinese, they used slivers to record their history long before paper was invented, making decorations, artwork and agricultural tools to name a few. Stalks of bamboo still symbolise eternal youth, strength, prosperity and peace in China. We are seeing bamboo products on the market more and more due to its durability and sustainability due to it being one of the fastest growing plants on earth. It is in fact a grass and there are approximately 1200 species of bamboo.

It is believed that bamboo massage has many healing properties which help to alleviate muscle tension; pain and ache; improve joint function; increase circulation and helps to enhance quality of sleep. It will also make you feel relaxed but energised at the same time.

Warm Bamboo Massage is a very versatile treatment as it can be used with a gentle effort to create a relaxing treatment or a firmer pressure to create deeper massage moves. During the treatment, a use a variety of differently sized bamboo canes are used to create different responses among the muscle groups. The size of the cane will vary depending on your body type; desirable treatment outcome and the area treated; the larger the area, the bigger the cane.

Bamboo massage itself promotes good circulation, helps sensory nerve perception, lymph draining and a deep sense of relaxation and well-being – similar to most massage treatments!



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